Monday, January 5, 2015

Small Enough

Sometimes life makes me feel very small.  The feeling of being small doesn't necessarily have anything to do with my physical stature, but more my mental, emotional or spiritual state of being.  This last month there have been some experiences.  I won't go into detail, but I will say that these experiences have left me looking for deeper meaning.
They've left me with more understanding eyes, and a softer heart.

Sometimes life has a way of forcing you to realize that being small is really what matters.  Quotes concerning the "small things" are ever prevalent, particularly since the new year has commenced and everyone is setting new goals, and reaching for dreams again.  Reaching, stretching, and bringing ourselves to the brink of a greater good is always, well, good.  
But in our quest to stretch ourselves to greater lengths, we sometimes become blind to the small things.  
Tiny details make a difference when we step back and see the bigger picture.

In my life, those small things are, quite literally, little.  It's very easy to let life distract us from what's important, and life had been doing just that a couple months ago.  I was distracted, and I was distracted by a lot of things.
In truth, they didn't really matter.  
They mattered, yes, but compared to other things they didn't matter nearly as much.
We all want to inspire others; we all want to inspire ourselves.  We all want to become something greater, or better, than we are now.  We all usually have good intentions, and as we inspire ourselves, or others, we either become more focused on truth, or completely lost in what we think is truth.
Living requires balance.  We cannot stand focused if we are leaning too much towards the future, backwards in the past, or looking from side to side imagining what it could be like to travel the path of another.
Life is the master of distraction, and the teacher of truth.
It's up to us to focus; it's up to us to quiet our minds enough to really listen to what life is trying to teach.  
What we get from life depends wholly on how we choose to learn from it. 

My small things are front and center now.  It's not much to the eyes of many others, but when I get down on my knees and play with the hot wheels, or I sit for over an hour pretending to be the purple monster, my small moments become monumental.
Whatever the present provides, or however it happens to be presenting itself, is the only thing I can control.  This moment, this now, this is what I have complete control over.  I will continue to reach, and stretch, and dance, and sing with life.  I will still make goals, and desire dreams.  
I will still look forward to tomorrow.
But moderation matters.  

Today, and hopefully every day, I intend to be small enough.  
Small enough to truly hear.  
Small enough to better see, and small enough to understand the bigger picture.

Sometimes, life makes me feel very small.
And that isn't necessarily a bad thing.     

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