Monday, November 2, 2015

Letting God Go

The title of this post may be misleading, but it is necessary.

I couldn't sleep last night for a variety of reasons, but the biggest one was rooted in thought.  I was in the middle of a conversation with God, when he said something to me.
"Let me work in you."
This thought has occurred to me before, and it's manifested itself in many ways.  Last night though, the epiphany was huge.  So much so, in fact, that it reduced me to tears of unspeakable gratitude and overwhelming assurity.

It was time to let God go.

Now when I say this, I do not mean it in the sense that I am releasing God from my life, forgetting him, or otherwise denying his existence. It is, in fact, quite the opposite.  I am inviting him fully in my life, always remembering him, and acknowedging him in everything.
I am letting him be as he is, where he is, and how he is.
My entire life has been spent clinging to God, pleading for light and truth from him, and begging for release from trials or hardship.  I've prayed to God, sought him out, and even held to him so tightly, he couldn't help me.
He couldn't help me for the simple fact that I wouldn't let him, even though I was constantly asking for his hand to intervene.

Let God go.

Let Him fly.  He is already in everything, everywhere.  By releasing our grasp on him, he will then be able to consume every part of our lives.
His grace will refine us.
Every part.
God is goodness, God is light.
God is the end all, and be all, of all things.
God is.

God is in our souls.
God is in me.
God is in you.

Too often we spend too much of our time and effort with a preconceived notion of who God is, why he is, where he exists and how he exists.  If we love Him, we will let him go.  We will cling to the simple reality that he just is, and in being he will perfect our lives, our thoughts and our light will become everything that he is.  When we surrender our need to understand to the will of the master, the master will help us understand.
He will guide.
He will teach.
We will love.

Let God go.  Let God be.
He is in you, He is in me; he just is.
Release Him to be in your life.
Release Him and the miraculous will find you.
Release Him, and you will come to know him as you never have before.

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