Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I Do; Yes

I love weddings.  I love them.  Love, love them.  Some people hate weddings.  I do not.  I do, do love them.  Why do I love them, you ask?  Because it is pure happiness.  Pure happiness, pure joy, and pure love.  Now, the most recent wedding we attended was a very special wedding.  Why was it special?  Because the gal who got married is pretty special.  She is, to say, a best friend.  She is the thick and thin type; and I thank God for that.

There are moments in life where you happen to stop.  You stop for just a tick of the clock and breathe.  You might think, "Man.  I have been missing all of this because of {insert whatever is making you miss awesome things here.}  Wedding day was one such moment.  I didn't have the boys (Any of them.  Cole was at work, and J squared were with grandma.)  As such, my day was actually quite quiet.  And?  If you are a busy person to any extent, especially a mother, you can attest to what it feels like when you suddenly do not have your hands full.

Well, wedding day was wonderful, and I will never forget it.  Especially when I had to crawl under Maddie's dress and tie a bunch of random bows....but?  That's another story.  The story I want to tell today has to do with love.  Love and people.  Life brings many things, and among those things are relationships.  Friendships.  Loved ones.  Some people that we meet are quickly, and all too easily, forgotten.  Others' tend to stay on our minds, and in our hearts, for the better part of eternity.  Personally?  I know I want to be the kind that sticks around.

As Maddie could attest to, I have made my fair share of mistakes in life.  Sometimes we hurt the people we love the most; other times we are hurt by the people we love the most.  Regardless of which side of the fence we happen to be on, time is not on our side.  How does the quote go?  "Why put off til tomorrow what you can do today?"  Wedding Day helped me remember something.  One?  Love is a beautiful thing, and without it the world would cease to go round and round.  And two?  As crazy as my little minions make me, when I am not around them I feel lost.  The life I live truly does complete me, and it is so because I decided to allow it.  So wherever you happen to be, remember to let life fill you.  Breathe it in; live off of it.  Stop looking around and saying "If only."  Instead say "It is."  It is wonderful.  It is beautiful.  When God says, here is what I want to give you, will you accept it?  Say I do; yes.  Because whatever it is, it is grand.
It is.  

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