Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mostly Great

Whoa.  I guess I will first apologize for my lack of writing all summer.  Sure, there are like, two entries.....  Needless to say we have been really busy this summer.  This summer?  Let me tell you, it was fantastic.  Since I was thirteen I cannot remember a summer that I played so much!  To begin, we started the summer with a move.  The move was supposed to be to Mom and Pop Cooper's, then to PA.  Well, those plans changed.  We moved to Mom and Pop's over Memorial Day weekend in May.  Living there was amazing.  It was difficult as much of our things were in storage for four months, but it was fantastic.  We lived up the road from a lake, and down a trail from the mountain.  Hello swimming, hiking, biking and lounging in nature! 

Other things this summer included trips to Moab, Arches, Blanding, Lake Powell, Bear Lake, and Capitol Reef (twice :)), and the little man's big 2 birthday.  Like I said.  Busy, awesome, summer.  Plus!  Cole didn't have to go back into "stress out" mode with the start of school.  Yay!  Now here we are, having moved again; this time to South Ogden.  All our things are back out of storage, we are "settled" to a certain degree, and we are all doing great.

Sigh.  Okay.  Not "great."  Mostly great.  Don't get me wrong.  Life?  It's not something that should be "complained" about.  We all have frustrations, and setbacks; things we feel the need to talk about, and work through.  Whether on our own, or with the help of others.  I watched Soul Surfer last night (if you haven't seen it, watch it).  It was a very good movie.  One of those "here, put your life into perspective" movies.  Lately the little one and I have been on boxing terms.  He is in one end of the ring ready to duke out his way, and I am in the other nursing bloody noses and scrapes, attempting to duke out my way.  Every day holds another relentless battle, and every night I never quite come down from the stress level felt trying to keep up with him.  It's life, yes?  Part of being a parent, and part of teaching your children whilst learning from them at the same time.

Every life experience I have ever come to have hasn't taught me what Jack has.  It never could have.  No lesson in patience is as extensive as the kind that comes from a two year old who has learned "No" and utlilizes the use of said word throughout the day.  Flipsided, no lesson in clarity can compare to that of a two year old who has discovered how to say "Love You," with these soft, sparkling, brown eyes that penetrate a piece of your soul you didn't know existed until they came into your life.  For lack of a better way to say it, Jack frustrates the hell out of me.  However, the simplicity of language could never express how much I would do for him, and how deeply I love and appreciate the little lessons in life he gives me. 

So I am.  We are, mostly great.  No day goes by without something to "discuss" or some life's lesson to find understanding in.  Every day brings immense joy, sometimes frustration and hurt, and sometimes sorrow.  Every day we learn together, and we grow together.
No, every day isn't great, but almost every day is mostly great. 
And for that?
I am grateful.    


  1. You are amazing and I absolutely love you! I could have never said it so perfectly so thank you for sharing because I feel the exact same way!!!!

  2. You are really good with words, I love reading (or stalking) your blog.
