Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mini You

They say your children are simply mini versions of you.  Your parents laugh at what their little grandchild does while saying, "Oh, what goes around comes around!"  Jack has a variety of quirks, most of which I adore.  Others?  Well, I don't so much love them.  Jack is spunky, and mischievous.  Love.  He is hilarious, and outgoing.  Love.  He is caring, and loving.  Love, and love.
Now, something about Jack that I really don't love so much?
His stubbornness.

Enter Gram's famous words, "he is just like you."  I know I am stubborn, it is a fact that I am.  But why did Jack have to get that trait?  Example?  Eating dinner.  He is very, VERY slow at eating.  I can recall family videos, and stories, of my infamous pokiness at the table.  I don't remember why I ate so slow, but I have no doubt that part of it came from everyone wanting me to eat faster.  I get annoyed when people tell me what to do, or how to do it.
I know there is a little of that attitude in my little man....

Well, today's post isn't coming up because of Jack's lack of speed in eating.  No.  It is coming from a day spent in the bathroom.  Yes, the bathroom.  We have been asking Jack for months now about nixing the diapers.  "Hey, Jack, will you go potty on the toilet."  The response?  "No."  We tried to get him to go before his baths for awhile, or in the mornings when he woke up.  "No."  "No."  "Diaper."  "No."
Now, before I get crucified by anyone who says I am trying to train him before he is ready, explain this?  He tells me when he is "poopy" thus asking to be changed, and he hates being in a wet diaper.  To me that says, "I really don't like this whole diaper game anymore.  In fact, sitting in my own nasty is...well...nasty.  So do something about it, yeah?"  I.  Am.  Trying.

So, today was bathroom day.  We ran out of diapers (on purpose), and I said, "Jack, there are no more diapers. You have to go potty on the toilet."  Three hours, and no pee.  Nothing.  When a two and a half year old can go three hours without peeing after drinking more than 8 oz's of orange juice, I do believe said toddler knows how to "hold it."  Well?  He did finally pee.  On the bathroom counter.  Then again on the floor.  Then three more times in his pants.  He would say "oh no, pee!" and run to the bathroom, but every time it was after he had already gone.  He even danced around for 5 minutes saying, "I don't need to pee.  No."  I put him on the toilet anyway.  He sat there for about two minutes, said nope, and got down.  Then? He proceeded to pee on the floor.
Oh, motherhood.

.....Sigh..... He is sleeping now.  I put a swim diaper on him to contain whatever does come out as he dreams.  And me?  I am eating.  Again.  (Thank you Kristin for this Amish friendship bread!)
Whether my need for goodies be pregnancy, stress, or exhaustion induced I couldn't tell you.  Perhaps it is a mixture of all three.  Either way, I am all bathroomed out for today.  As such?  I will just take a moment and sit.  I will breathe.  I shall sit and breathe, and thank heaven on high that my boy still naps.
And then?
Well, perhaps I will smile a little more at how sincerely true, and honestly wonderful the phrase, "He is just like you" really can be.

1 comment:

  1. I just love you Jess! I love reading your posts and being able to relate to you oh so well. I haven't tried the potty thing quite yet because, well, I'm just dreading it....and I don't have baby #2 on the way so I'm just taking my time waiting until McCoy is ready:) I just love the way you express yourself and I love being able to see into your life and realize that we're both normal mothers and what you're experiencing isn't uncommon. I can only wish you good luck with your potty endeavors and hope the best for you. Love you girl and when Jack is all pro at the potty, I'll be calling you for all your expert advice:)!
