Monday, January 3, 2011

Peace In Parting

Once in awhile, a light comes amidst the darkness of life. Illuminating the path it travels, this light continually covers its surroundings with hope, with peace, and ultimately, with joy. The laughter in moments shared, tears for time passed, and love for the memories locked within the soul. Moments and memories are essentially what becomes of each life. As the time passes, as the laughter is remembered, we come to understand that individually we are all meant to become that light within life. To shine in corners of darkness, to change the winters to spring, and illuminate the good within others...

There is little to be written of death that is not already present in poetry, books, and musical lyrics.  Many have felt the sting that is death; that emptiness associated with parting.  I didn't understand the depth that is passing on until I was older; until experience taught me about the gift that is life.  Growing up, I always knew about Grandpa Jack; I heard stories.  A father of 7 children.  A loving husband.  My son Jack is named after this man.  He died suddenly when my own mother was 8 years old.  What I know of him is felt in presence from the love that others portray for him.  He was a good man.  A loving man.

There are others who have parted with this life; others known now only in memory.  I know of many.  Many who touched lives in ways no other mortal could.  Others that are missed.  Those whose company we ever long to be in again.  Death is experienced as a part of life.  The cyclical rounds that are mortality are inevitable.  We are born, we grow through adulthood, and into old age.  Some don't make it that far.  Some don't make it very far at all.  I often look at Jack, my Jack, and find my throat swollen with emotion at the thought of losing him.  Losing any loved ones.  We move on, it's true.  We eventually find peace, and learn to cope without.  We pass through the stages of grief, pick ourselves up, and move forward.  Eventually....
I can recall countless images of knees falling to the earth in front of tombstones, or hands on caskets, and tears beyond count; my own included.  Our physical strength is lost as we fall, and the only words we can utter are "I miss you."  I miss you.

Life is precious.  So precious.  The holidays are often a time of remembrance.  A time to stop and think; to think on how blessed we are.  Well, the holidays are gone now.  It's a new year.  Another year.  Do you ever wonder if this year will be your last?  This day.  Next week.  Or if it will be another's last?  Countless emails are forwarded to remind us to say I love you, and to be kind.  They tell stories of hope, sometimes of regret, as loved ones pass on.  No one can know ahead of time when that goodbye will be.  No one can know.
All we know is what we can do now.  We can live, and we can love. We can laugh, and we can remember.  We can exist in such a way so that any moment lived will be a moment worth remembering.
"Live, laugh, love."

1 comment:

  1. Well put Jess. Well put. Every moment is precious. Treasure each one. Live life, laugh often, love much and always dance as if no one is watching. Life is about the moments that take our breath away, not how many breaths we take. Lv U!
