Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Roll With It

When I was pregnant, my doctors constantly gave me tips on how to ward off water weight. With that, they also gave me tips on staying active, and exercising, eating right etc etc. Once Jack was born, I got advice on how to get rid of the "baby fat." Breast feeding, among other things, was a huge help in dropping off those rolls. Now that the holidays are over, and I have sufficiently gorged myself with goodies, I found myself looking at rolls again in the mirror. Don't get me wrong, I am quite happy with who I am, fit or not. I like to be fit, who doesn't, you feel pretty darn good about yourself when you are.

Anyway, while I was staring at my little inner tube I thought "well, I know I like cookies, and I really should exercise more, it's true." Then the kicker. When? I received all this advice, and help throughout pregnancy and through about year one, but what about now. What about the "toddler fat?" The fat that comes because of many reasons; a husband in school, who also works, and trying to put both him and the little guy first often leaves little time for you know who. You. Or me. The self.
Well, today I discovered a few reasons why I find it difficult to exercise. One? It's cold and running outside is for nutties (even though I did it tonight out of desperation. ) Two? Money. It's kind of essential for gym memberships, or exercise stuff, or zumba, p90x etc etc etc. The lack thereof leaves you with a 23 lb toddler to use as weights, and a 700 sq ft apartment to run around in. Isn't staying fit fun?

Then? Then there is that little person. That little person you give all of your time and energy to in hopes that when the day comes for him to go out on his own, you know he will be okay because you did your best. Whatever that best entails, you gave it. Today, I wondered where my best went as, upon entering Jack's room to get him up from his nap, he was naked. Totally, and completely, naked. The pants, the shirt, and yes the diaper, had all somehow found a way off of him. He was wet, the bed was wet, and both were wet for the exact reason you are thinking. Oh the joys of being a mother, and a stay at home one to boot. Like I said; toddler weight.
I think I am going to go and eat some cookie dough now, and watch something mindless because I can. I can go with the flow, and take in the silence; rolls and all.
Bedtime is beautiful, and so is my inner tube :)


  1. oh life. Isn't it grand? I have an aerobics video, and sometimes I do squats and tippy-toes in the SHOWER, just cause I have two seconds to myself. Weird, I know.

  2. Jess . . . I MISS YOU!!!! Inner tube and all!! I totally relate. But my weight went much deeper and had a much lasting effect because of kids health, hospital visits, my health, etc. But I love your perspective! These little ones will never leave us the same. Inside and out.

  3. I've just been reading all these blog posts and want to say you're great!! And I was thinking last Sunday how skinny you looked so your inner tube isn't noticable to anyone but you!
