Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It's simple.  There is a moment, a moment where you softly giggle to yourself while shaking your head and shrugging.  Why?  Well, you shake your head and shrug out of confusion, shock, or disbelief, and you giggle because of the same.  The shriggle.  You may be doing it now, reading this post.  Smiling to yourself, laughing softly and shrugging because although what I just said really does make sense, it's silly.  It's a reaction, and a simple one.  Body language, baby.  Your body speaks without saying a single word.

So the shriggle.  Someone comes up to you and says "Hey hottie, wanna dance?"  This particular individual is, to be delicate, without the physical attributes that typically interest you.  Confused?  Bluntly, they are not good looking.  Ugly.  Most will politely say "no, thank you."  Some might say yes out of pity.  Either way, when the said not-so-hottie is gone, you will likely look to your friends, or whoever you are with, and shriggle.  Shake your head, shrug your shoulders, and giggle.  Did not-so-hottie really think they had a shot?  Shriggle...
You did it.  I know you did.  I've done it.  When I have been working outside all day, then realize I need something for dinner, I often leave the house without my wedding ring.  I shriggle at people that use frozen food as a means to flirt.  "Whoa, that pizza is really good, do you like pizza?"  Why yes, I do, and so does my husband.

Now, I am not saying that you shriggle simply when it comes to relationships.  The shriggle comes in many forms.  It comes out of nowhere, and often without warning.  The giggle might be one of total amazement as some old lady goes racing by you on the freeway, then cuts you off whilst giving the finger (it's happened.)  "What the?!"  "Did you see..."  Mouth open, half laugh, shake the head; shriggle.  Crazy old lady.
Or this shriggle.  The one that comes when someone you know, and love, does something really funny, but really dumb.  "Hey sis!  Watch me jump off this two story roof, but fall into that bush instead of my intended target."  Famous words big brother.  Famous.
It comes every day in one way or another.  We laugh at things, and somehow lose the ability to find any words to define what we are thinking.  So when such a moment arises, because it will, and with children it comes daily (sometimes even hourly) remember the shriggle.  The moment where you find yourself laughing, and shaking your head, or shrugging those shoulders; just go with it.

Um?  Jack?  Where are your pants?......Ah...the toilet.  That's new.  Yes, they were dirty, but this is the worst place to wash them, okay?